Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James ~ read
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James ~ read
Monday’s announcement of the Hugo nominees led me to write about my experiences with WorldCon and meeting authors.
I’ve been listening to a lot of different music at work, thanks to the global record collection, and shared some of my discoveries on Tuesday.
In the same vein, on Wednesday there were works by artists I found intriguing.
Some reflective writing on writing on Thursday.
A tiny bit of fiction for Friday night. The monster is real!
And rounding out the week, my reaction to former pope Benedict’s letter about sex abuse in the Catholic Church.
Currently reading: Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James. I don’t know what I think about it yet, other than it’s weird.
2019 Hugo nominations have been announced. I’m so pleased to see at least one book I’ve read, and a fanzine I know well, nominated.
WorldCon 76 was almost literally in my backyard, someone helped me decide I HAD to go, and it’s the only time (so far) I’ve been able to vote for the Hugos.
One of my favorite authors Mary Robinette Kowal, and astronaut Kjell Lindberg hosted a “Koffee Klatch” to talk about their work, and answer questions. There were ten of us, and we were enthused about meeting them. We learned some pretty interesting stuff about writing and being in space, and carried out a good amount of signed swag. (Kjell even signed the inside of the Canadarm hatch door on my model shuttle.)
Since I don’t anticipate going to WorldCon 77 in Dublin, sad doesn’t begin to cover how I feel about not being able to vote for at least these two nominees.
There’s such good stuff which has been nominated, and good lord how do people read it all? I’m still working on last year’s packet!
Being a list making/keeping type of person, it’s tempting to download the list of all Hugo winners/nominees and see how many I can read, but that way lies madness. There are two many other books to read, my apartment would explode with that large an influx of books.
Speaking of which, Marlon James‘ Black Leopard, Red Wolf just arrived. Here’s a great long read from The New Yorker published just before the book was published.
Part of my assigned reading for LitCrit involves N. K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth Trilogy, Toni Morrison’s Beloved, and James’ book. To bring it back to the Hugos, Jemisin won three years in a row for Broken Earth, and with as much hype as there is about Black Leopard, Red Wolf, I won’t be surprised to see it nominated for a Hugo next year.
A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James
Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James – Read
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